Friday, August 30, 2024

August 2024

I arrived back to Minnesota for a few weeks of R&R after LetFest and a busy season of preparation.  In between resting and visiting with some nearby relatives and friends, I enjoyed time with the youth kids as they were still very attached to each other after finishing their mission trip to Czech.  I loved to watch how they included their friends in their fun as they explained inside jokes that then became familiar for everyone and joyfully shared their experiences.  Sometimes it's hard to believe that I first met and helped lead these girls when they were in 7th grade and now they are going into their 11th year!  They have such a strong bond, and I enjoy being an encouragement to them alongside their leaders. 

We enjoyed a couple last game nights and goodbyes before I headed back out to Czech again.  It was interesting all that we were able to learn about each other through these games that we hadn't realized while at LetFest.  Seeing how different these youth think and how they are able to work together to reach a common goal was seen actively on the mission field and in the games!  It was also decided that with the amount of team quotes that are recorded during preparation and LetFest, we have enough material to make our own game!

One of the harder parts about living far away is not being with the kids as they grow up who I am still connected with stateside.  I love the bond many of these kids and I still have and the hugs I get from some little children at church each year are special.  When I left after last Christmas, the little daughter of my friends and I had made one of those special bonds as she was comfortable being placed immediately in my arms and put her head on my shoulder.  This summer, when I saw my friends and their daughter again, we all shared the same thought that she is seven months older and likely doesn't remember me while also being at an age that is very connected to momma.  I was content just knowing she was growing and happy and to see my friends, but the way this little toddler continued to climb up into my lap in small group and at church and then "hammock" in my arms made us all realize even if she didn't remember me, she felt safe in my embrace.  I am still convinced, toddler hugs are the purest thing in the world. 

This year is a special one, because as one mission team to Letovice was finishing, another was already in swing!  We have a double mission trip year as some friends in my organization and home church saw a need to bring a small team of young adults to help us kick off the start of the school year at ELIM.  We typically start youth clubs and youth groups the second week of September after the kids feel a little more familiar with their school schedule.  Though we have realized that there is a lot of energy at LetFest at the start of the summer and the kids are excited to see each other again when the school year starts, but in that month of August that we take off as an organization (for rest and family), we lose some of the momentum.  To bypass that a bit this year, another suggestion was made - more Americans!  This seems to be a great draw - even one of the Czech mothers I was recently talking to said "I think any time you bring Americans in to Letovice, people will come."  At the end of September, this team of eight will come to help us bring the excitement back for the school year.  I enjoyed meeting with them a couple times while I was stateside and encouraging them in their planning.  I am very grateful for their flexibility as they know this is a new trip, and we're figuring out the details, but I couldn't be more excited for their arrival and their hearts for these people. 

I finished out my stateside time with a trip to Lake Tahoe with my sister and parents.  We enjoyed lots of hiking (I especially loved the high climbs and the views!), kayaking on the really clear lake, and marveled at the delicate chickadees as they ate right from our hands!  It was a fun experience and good to get some time away as well. 

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