Thursday, December 1, 2022

November 2022

I traveled back to the USA at the start of November for two months stateside.  Each year, I am back with my family for a couple weeks over Christmas, and we decided it would be best to add the extra weeks to have opportunities to meet with doctors about an autoimmune disease I was diagnosed with in April.  I am enjoying the extra time to rest, speaking engagements, and connecting with many friends and family.  It is refreshing for me to be surrounded by so many people and their encouragement in my ministry in the Czech Republic.  I never get tired of sharing all that God is doing through our organization and the outreach activities that we have throughout the year.  It's a special time for me to meet with friends and, especially this year, focusing on resting too. 

Sharing the Message on Mission Sunday in my hometown

In 2020, I had been back in the states for a six-month furlough.  While I was there, I connected with a small group (many of whom were long-time friends of mine) and volunteered with middle school and high school youth groups.  It has been a blessing to have the time to reconnect with all of these groups with the little extra time in the states this year!  I love that I can simply jump back into the small group when I am back.  These friends know how to encourage, challenge, and listen so well.  The girls in my middle school group are now freshmen in high school, and it is so wonderful seeing how they have grown and are continuing to serve at the church and thriving in their youth group!  After speaking on Sunday, I had a couple of my high school students (now unbelievably seniors) chat with me after service about their plans for the future and how they want to stay connected with the youth group and in the church even after starting off on these new paths.  It is an honor that I was able to walk alongside so many friends and youth while I had been in the states prior and now seeing how God is growing in each of them.  

Small Group had a great time serving at Feed My Starving Children together. 

When these girls saw me at church, I had very different reactions - while one ran to embrace me and wouldn't let go, another stood in shock jaw-dropped and questioned "what are you doing here?"

Some sweet time back with my group of girls!

I often see my two worlds overlapping - my Czech world and American one.  Growing up in a Czech community means that I get to still enjoy some of those traditional Czech foods, though not completely the same as some have been "Americanized."  Many friends and family have been in the Czech Republic for visits and various ministry opportunities, and I find so much joy in sitting down and sharing our experiences together.  While I was in the states this month, I met two Czech youth leaders who serve less than an hour away from where I live!  It was a fun connection to make and to be able to briefly share our ministry experiences together. 

Meeting new friends

At an event with my family, I was surprised to see that they even welcome me in Czech saying "Vitej!"

While I'm stateside, I enjoy most reconnecting with friends and family (and making new friends too!).  This time in the states is always so special, and it really feels so nice to "come home" (to one of my homes!).  I am really looking forward to all the things I get to do and people I will see in this next month.  The doctors have been helpful in thorough testing of this autoimmune disease, and I have had some new friends and support - from those who can relate to dealing with autoimmune diseases - give helpful advice.  Of course, there's always lots of prayer support and finding the time to rest too.  

Autumn trail hikes with family

Meeting with friends for yummy "american" food

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